
Cooking Corner: Deep fried Oreo Cookies

Cooking Corner continues this week with food that will feel amazing while being eaten, but make the body cringe with disgust. This week’s deep fried food of the week is a deep fried Oreo. This treat is a staple at many state fairs like the Texas State Fair, and with a little preparation, this food can be quite easy to prepare. The following ingredients are required:

2 Large Eggs
2 cups of Flour        
2 cups of milk        
1 package of Oreo cookies
Paper towels and a plate

Follow these steps in order to make Deep Fried Oreo cookies.

Step 1: Place the Oreo cookies into the freezer four or more hours before deep frying.
Step 2: Prepare a batter made up of the eggs, milk, and flour. The batter should be pretty thin, but not so thin that it will not coat the cookies with a ‘healthy’ thickness.
Step 3: Remove the Oreo cookies from the freezer and place them into the batter. You should have enough batter to coat an entire bag of Double Stuffed Oreo cookies.
Step 4: Place the Coated Cookies into a deep fryer and wait for them to float.
Step 5: Once the cookies are floating, remove them from the deep fryer using a pair of tongs and place them onto a paper towel. Be sure to wipe off excess oil from the cookies.
Step 6: Wait five minutes for the inner icing to cool and then enjoy!
These deep fried delectable have an interesting consistency. They taste like an Oreo flavored cupcake. The icing just seems to melt down to the back of the throat and create a warming sensation. The Deep Fried Oreo, this week’s unhealthiest alternative to a healthy snack.

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