Monthly Archives: September 2013

So Happy Together – Themed learning a plus on campus

Year after year, aside from exams, move-in day proves to be one of the most overwhelming and stressful days of the semester. What better way to ease the tension of move-in day than by joining a floor filled with other freshman who all share similar interests? Mines’ five themed learning communities provide this opportunity to the students lucky enough to be selected to live on the designated floors.

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Almost every student at Mines takes a thermodynamics course in their academic career. Whether the topic is enjoyable or not, Muneera Beach, PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics, explains the importance of thermodynamics in technology today. Beach works with a microcalorimetry. Microcalorimetry is essentially the study of thermodynamics at a microscopic level. This helps scientists understand the complex binding phenomena through heat interactions. The two capital methods of microcalorimetry are Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC).

Red Eye

~In the distant future~ Nobody can break an addiction until they decide that they want to be unhappy. I have lived in fear for three years. The reasons for this fear will become self-evident, and you likely know them if you live in this time, but first I need to explain who I am. My…

Scientific discoveries this week: 9/30/13

Vienna, Austria
A new class of thermoelectric material may allow for more efficient conversion of industrial waste heat into electrical energy. Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology created a new clathrate—a type of lattice that traps atoms and molecules in “cages”—that holds cerium atoms in a structure made of barium, silicon, and gold. When one side of the material is heated, electrons in the cerium atoms move toward the cooler side, creating a voltage between the two sides. The team behind this discovery will attempt to duplicate this effect using more economically viable elements to improve the material’s marketability.

The Sandwich Vignettes

It was during World War I, and Officer Hubert Chambers sat miserably in a muddy trench under a grey sky. The customary barbed wire had been placed, and several bodies sat out across the field, that no-man’s land no one person dared cross alone, yet were willing to do for things like “honor” and “country” when their regiment went with them toward certain death. Another soldier, Michael Miller, crawled up to where Officer Chambers sat, holding a partially eaten butter and cheese sandwich. Chambers slapped the sandwich out of Miller’s clammy hands.

The Stars Above Mines: An Introduction to Telescopes

A simple set of binoculars can be the most versatile tool in an astronomer’s collection. Inevitably, every amateur will reach their breaking point and the idea of not having a reliable telescope becomes too harrowing to go on without one. This is a critical point in each astronomer’s journey and the choice of a telescope can make or break a star party. Before plunging into the world of telescopes, there is one major warning to get out of the way. Telescopes are finicky, and unless an amateur has had ample time using another telescope, the first few nights will be disappointing to say the least. There is an extreme learning curve, but with patience comes brilliant stargazing.

Rumor has it: Swimming pool

Every freshman wanders around campus hoping to unearth some long-forgotten secret of Mines. As with all commonly known facts, with time they can turn to legend. The rumor of the week seems to have taken that turn towards myth. Buzzing its way across campus, too few truly know the truth of this rumor that leaves the rest of us confused and befuddled.

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