Daily Archives: October 27, 2013

Scientific discoveries this week: 10/28/13

Stanford Woods Institute – Rebecca and Doug Bird have found that Aboriginal hunters in Australia use hunting methods that increase the populations of the animals that they hunt. The Aboriginal hunters use fire to clear patches of land. This practice creates areas of regrowth that enhance habitats. Scientists used the populations of monitor lizards to study the habitats and found that the lizards were more abundant in the Aboriginal hunting areas.
University of Montana, Missoula, Montana – James W. Sears of the University of Montana proposed that the Colorado River could have once flowed into the Labrador Sea. The river would have flowed toward the southwest corner of the Colorado Plateau and turned north into the vicinity of Lake Mead. The river would have then flowed across the Rockies to the Great Plains and joined the pre-ice age Bell River. The Bell River then discharged into the Labrador Sea.

Physics Colloquium explores Ultra High-Energy Particles

The latest Physics Colloquium delved into the explanation and observations of ultra high-energy particles. Professor Lawrence Wiencke, who also led the talk, led a team at Mines that has developed a way to more effectively record these cosmic rays of extremely rare occurrence using UV pulse lasers at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. These ultra high-energy cosmic rays are defined as possessing a kinetic energy greater than 10^18 electronvolts and are exceedingly rare with an estimated few hundred or so impacting Earth daily. Even more rare still are extreme-energy cosmic rays that have been observed to have macroscopic energies of over 10^20 electronvolts. This is equivalent to the energy of a baseball travelling at 60 miles per hour and 7 orders of magnitude greater than the energies of particles accelerated using the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The astroparticles are in the form of protons, neutrons, or atomic nuclei and travel at very nearly the speed of light, or around 1 femtosecond slower than light would in a year.

Headlines from around the world: 10/28/13

Ten cars rigged with explosives blew up in areas around Baghdad on Sunday, and a suicide bomber attacked soldiers queuing up to receive their pay. The attacks killed a total of 49 people and injured many more. The deadliest attack took place in Mosul when a man driving a car blew himself up outside a government bank where soldiers were waiting to collect their salaries. Twelve people were killed in that attack. 37 more people were killed in what seems to have been coordinated blasts around Baghdad. In the worst of those, two car bombs exploded near a market in Nahrawan, killing seven.

AMS Colloquium: Levitating Disks

Professor Patrick D. Weidman of the CU-Boulder Mechanical Engineering department found that very little had been done on the dynamics of levitating disks, let alone rotating and levitating disks such as an air hockey puck. This prompted him to conduct his research around the idea of levitating disks. Weidman presented on his research to CSM at the weekly AMS colloquium.

TV Review: The Legends of Korra, Book 2 Spirits

Nickelodeon has come a long way from churning out childish cartoons. If a statistician were to randomly sample college students and ask them what television shows they watch, a range of answers from How I Met your Mother to Game of Thrones and not to forget about Breaking Bad would probably come up as the majority of responses. These TV shows are directed towards a very specific demographic, so while The Legends of Korra may not seem like it can be a part of this list, it most certainly should be. Between the juggling of studying and the normal everyday happenings of life, finding the time to watch some TV can be hard. However, Korra promises to captivate one’s attention and surely satisfy the need for a good story.


HAIM – Days are Gone

The first full length album from Los Angeles sister trio, HAIM, was released on September 30th of this year. (For those unfamiliar with the band name, it is pronounced to rhyme with “time”). The band released their first single, “Don’t Save Me” November of last year. HAIM also released two EP’s entitled Forever and Falling prior to the full album release. Spanning what seemed an eternity of time from the first single to the first album, HAIM has fulfilled fan’s expectations with Day’s Are Gone. The band is comprised of Este Haim, Danielle Haim, Alana Haim, and drummer Dash Hutton. All three women contribute vocals and play instruments throughout the entire album. The ladies are in their twenties, and therefore in touch with many issues that are so very real in our world today revolving around romance: break-ups, make-ups, and self reflection to grow stronger for future experiences. HAIM writes all of their own songs, which makes the music all the more authentic and believable.

Club Spotlight: Mines Actuarial Science Club (MASC)

With the club’s first ever meeting happening just over a month ago, it is safe to say that the Mines Actuarial Science Club (MASC) is one of the newest clubs on campus. However, despite its short existence, the club already has a small but devoted following, and it is always looking to add more. Aimed at raising awareness about the actuarial profession, MASC is a joint venture between the AMS department and the Division of Economics & Business. It is geared towards, as put by AMS department head Dr. Willy Hereman, “self-motivated students that possess strong mathematical thinking and are good with statistics.” Hereman is a key contributor to the club’s operations. MASC is also open to anyone possibly looking to pursue a career in the field or just wanting to learn a bit more about it.

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