
Cooking Corner: Garlic pita chips

Everyone loves a good guacamole. However, guacamole just is not the same without something to scoop it with, and that is where this week’s recipe comes in.  Pita chips are delicious and come in a variety of flavors, but buying bag after bag of them can quickly bust a student’s budget.  So instead, this simple recipe will allow you to make your own pita chips at home.  These chips, or their variations, are excellent when paired with your favorite dip or even as a standalone snack.


  • 6 Six-inch Pitas
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • Cooking Spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray one side of each pita with cooking spray and evenly coat the pitas with the garlic salt and pepper. Cut the pitas into eighths, and place them in an aluminum casserole dish (jelly-roll pan) that has been lightly coated with cooking spray. Bake for 20 minutes.  Enjoy.

Dessert Variation–
To make an excellent, albeit simple, dessert you can simply substitute cinnamon and sugar for the garlic salt and black pepper.

Other Variations–
Other simple spices can be substituted to create your own favorite variety of pita dish. For example, along with the original ingredients, simply dust a package of Hidden Valley ranch dressing mix over the pitas.

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