
Club Spotlight: Art Club

How often do you hear the words “art” and “engineering” in the same sentence? Well at Mines, these two could be a part of a student’s weekly schedule. President of the Creative Arts Club at Mines, graduating senior Kraig Weaver has learned to incorporate his daily art fix into a Petroleum Engineering degree.

As leading officer, Weaver’s goal for Art Club at Mines “is to provide CSM, its students, faculty, everyone, with a creative release from their everyday tasks.” Weaver went on to explain his understanding of the stresses felt by students at Mines, admitting that art acts as his personal escape.   

An advantage of being an Art Club member is the access to several mini sessions taught by professional artists, free of charge. Weaver invited anyone interested to RSVP early. “These art sessions are definitely intended for beginners,” he explained. “[Members] can take their artwork home, usually a fully completed piece.” In addition to these sessions, Art Club is known to attend First Fridays at the Sante Fe Art District in Denver. Check out www.artdistrictonsantafe.com  for more information on First Fridays.

web_art2If finding extra time is not a strong suit, the flexibility of Art Club should sound enticing. Members tend to meet only when there is an active project. Currently, Art Club is painting a mural to be placed in the Arthur Lakes Library by the end of fall semester. Syania Tifani is the designer of the winning design; a lively, colorful abstraction of library bookshelves and ladders. Thirty members have been meeting almost weekly in the Kafadar Commons to tackle the 10’ x 4’ canvas. Past Art Club murals on campus include the mosaic piece in the CTLM and an illustration in the EPICS building. 

The CSM Creative Arts Club is an opportunity for Mines students and faculty alike to escape from the rigorous academics while on campus. “Anyone can be an artist,” Weaver firmly stated. “It’s just a matter of using the opposite side of the brain.” For more information on the Creative Arts Club, contact Kraig Weaver at kweaver@mines.edu.

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