The Math and CS department win.

Homecoming: Department wing eating contest

The smell of hot wings filled the air. On October 9, 2010, the annual Wing Eating Contest was held by Up ‘til Dawn. The Mining, Engineering, Math, Physics, Petroleum, and Student Activities departments were all represented in the contest. 30 wings were given to 3-men teams with unlimited substitutions. Each team was preparing to dominate the spicy wings. They were stretching, grunting, and getting psyched out as they attempted to eat the wings the fastest.

While the contestants prepared, Up ‘til Dawn was accepting donations for the St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Research. A total of over $900 was raised to support children’s disease research. The Physics department led the way, garnering $320 worth of donations.

The eating contest was quite a sight. “When I saw the Engineering department, they were a bunch of old white men and I didn’t think they could compete,” said Matt Stech with a smile. Despite their age, the Engineering department competed valiantly and took second place, behind the Math and Science department. The Mining engineering department followed and took third. Intro to Computer Science and Intro to Programming professor Keith Hellman led the way for the first-place Math department. Hellman consumed an impressive 22 of the 30 wings eaten by his department, giving them a sturdy lead. “I am not sure about how many wings I ate,” he exclaimed, “but I am glad we won the contest.” The remaining eight wings were put away by fellow teammates Clair Le Lait and Scott Strong. 

The Math and CS department win.It was a successful day no matter which side of the contest you were on. St. Jude’s Children’s hospital is a noble institution and it is a privilege to be associated in helping to cure sick children. It will not be long before people forget the winner of the wing eating competition, but for some children, the results will impact the rest of their lives.

Up ‘til Dawn continues its festivities November 3, 2010, as students can address letters to friends and family to help raise awareness about children’s diseases and to help fund St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

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