For longer than any student at Mines can remember, the Christian ministry house known as “The Den” has hosted a Root Beer Kegger at Halloween. With an assortment of ghosts, ghouls, goblins and glamour girls, this years’ edition was a fine showing of the best minds at Mines producing some excellent costumery. This Root Beer Kegger is an event sponsored by every Christian organization on campus, and is put on to give Mines students a chance to relax and enjoy Halloween in true nerd fashion: with a cup of root beer!
To start off the night, the local band Delicious Penguins opened with some great music and raising the roof with soaring vocals. As costumed party-goers continued to flow in, the root beer flowed like water, saturating the bloodstream of every ninja and Jedi in the house. At The Forefront, an up-and-coming Denver band, followed the Delicious Penguins, rocking the house and setting the mood for what was sure to be a great night. The music was loud, the bass was solid, and the time was right! Bring on the root beer pong!
Team after team competed against each other to gain the high honor of Halloween Root Beer Kegger ‘root beer pong champion’, an illustrious title that once gained, earns you a life of adoration and respect of all your peers. The championship was set in a round-robin fashion, with teams competing against each other in a knock out style tournament, with winning teams continuing competition.
The kaleidoscope of costume creativity displayed at this event was a sight to behold, with everything from Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lucha Libre, to an aging Brett Favre and a beautiful southern belle. As the party continued inside with At The Forefront rocking the house, outside there was consumption of unhealthy amounts of authentic Thomas Kemper root beer while the crowd was serenaded by a trio of kilted bagpipers.
As the root beer pong championship was drawing to a close, the more energetic masqueraders instigated a dance party rocking the night even further. Meanwhile, the rest of us settled into the couches strewn about on the lawn, watching as the flames of another Halloween died down into embers.
As another successful Halloween Root beer Kegger draws to a close, one can’t help but look forward to next year, when once again the minds at Mines invest their enormous mental faculties in dreaming up the most clever and creative costumes one can imagine. Happy Halloween, and you’d better check your deadbolt tonight!