This Week in Colorado History October 25- October 31: The grass is not always greener

Snow Day!
Though the fall thus far has been fairly calm, it must be remembered that Golden is not always this lucky!  According to the Colorado Transcript of October 25, 2010 ?, “The snow is nearly three feet deep in the mountains west of town, in Golden the snow is nearly 18 inches.”

The damage due to this wintry blast was “terrific” – involving both property and inconvenience. Many of the local trees were broken. Electrical and telephone lines were knocked over, interrupting service. In probably the most familiar effect to those used to driving in the winter, traffic was brought to a standstill. The Transcript reported, “Scores of automobiles have been abandoned on the roads, being unable to get through the drifts.” To those who lived in Golden last year, this whole situation sounds rather familiar.

Marooned on the Mountain by the “M”
Crews were able to rescue four young women who had become stranded on Mount Zion by the Mines “M” on the morning of October 25, 1923. The four ladies were former army nurses from Detroit who were in Denver to attend an American Legion convention. They took a break from the convention and headed by taxi up the mountain, but were stranded by the blizzard mentioned above while near the “M.” Their driver scrambled down the mountain back to Golden to seek help. The Colorado Transcript reported, “A crew from the Golden Motor company made several attempts to reach the stalled car with automobiles and even a tractor.” Though these more modern methods failed, old fashioned horses prevailed and the young ladies were brought back to Golden after fourteen hours.

Some Things Never Change…
Proving partisan politics is by no means a new phenomenon, the Colorado Transcript quipped, “Over in Ireland most of the Republicans are in jail. Gee, that must be a great country.”

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