Daily Archives: February 6, 2011

A music sampler

Regardless of the listener’s level of music knowledge, it is always fun to hear a new beat or a song that has not been heard in a while during a short music break during studying. Whatever the reason for listening to music, this week’s music spotlight features several artists of varying rates of obscurity, all of which can be found on YouTube or other popular sites.

Career Day: Strong resumes

In giving advice for building resumes, Fast Enterprises employees Nathan Behrens and Jordan Riebel, both Mines graduates, instructed students to brag, brag, brag. Writing resumes is about telling the most about yourself in as little words as possible. Making companies want you is Behrens and Riebel’s chief objective when it comes to constructing strong resumes.


McBride presentation offers window to program

There’s really nothing else like it in many other engineering schools in the country,” the speaker said. Was he referring to the many excellent engineering and science programs at the Colorado School of Mines? No, he was referring to the McBride Honors Program, which held an informational session for potential applicants last Wednesday night.

This Week in Colorado History February 7- February 13: Fire!

Golden experienced some dangerous drama Saturday, February 3, 1883, as reported by The Colorado Transcript later in the week. A cigar store owned by A.G. Ahlstrom caught fire at 10:30 that night “and for a while threatened to result in an extensive conflagration, but by the promptness of the department and several citizens” was limited to the original store building. The containment of the fire must be attributed in part to the weather conditions that night. The temperature was -28 degrees Fahrenheit with no wind and a thick layer of snow covered the roves of the adjoining buildings. This was fortunate for the firemen as, though the fire hydrant and hose functioned effectively, the hose froze as soon as water was put through it.  The Transcript reported that, “The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective flue.”  The building was very seriously damaged, which was unfortunate as it was one of the oldest in town at the time, constructed in 1859.  Luckily for the owner of the store, the contents were insured for $1200, and the damage was estimated at $1000.

Career Day: Stand out in 30 seconds or less

“They’re basically handing you the answers to the test.” Something every Mines students wants to hear, right? Jean Manning-Clark visited from the CSM Career Center to give students the lowdown on how to stand out at Career Day and get noticed by the companies they want the most. And, to help students get connected, Manning-Clark kindly presented the five p’s to Success: plan, prepare, practice, personal appearance, and performance.

Career Day: Evaluate and negotiate job offers

The Career Center continues to provide students with information and services for finding careers, and choosing from the possibilities. They held a pre-spring Career Fair workshop Tuesday in Ballroom E for guidance on handling incoming job offers.
Lin Sherman, assistant director, presented advice on an area new to most college students: what to do once the long awaited job offers come in. She said, “The first thing you need to do is really know your stuff and what is important to you. And that will vary depending on who you are.”

Swift “Not Funny”: Mines students agree

Students in a literature class called “Satire in History” continued Mines’ long tradition of hating liberal arts by expressing outrage at how dark the stories were. “How could Swift joke about cooking and eating babies?” one student remarked, “it’s such appallingly bad taste, it’s not even funny.”

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