
Minds at Mines: Spring break plans

This week, Minds at Mines sought out students’ plans for the fast-approaching Spring Break.

 “Well, after talking to some of my friends, we will probably end up going to France. At this point, the plan is that when we get to France, we will spend two days there and then go to the Netherlands for several days. After this we will go to Spain for a few days and then head back. It really is sounding to be a great summer vacation.” – Mohameden Abouby
web_anh “I will probably go hang out with a lot of my friends, go shooting, and just relax. I don’t know how I will get to relax seeing that I have senior design to work on, but somehow I will make it happen.” – Anh Nguyen
“Probably spend time with family mostly. Just relax and not do homework. I do plan to start training for my 5v5 inter-mural basketball game. I definitely want to get in shape and trained for that so that I can kick some butt! The only other thing I will probably do is some road biking. I really enjoy it.” – Derek Witte web_derek
 web_anna “[My plans] were to go to Disneyland, but I’m gonna end up spending some quality time with my little brother whom I will be baby sitting. I may catch some new movies that are coming out with some friends, but other than that probably not much.” – Anna Ryazantseva
 “Oh that’s a tough one. I guess try not to have to much fun…. I definitely will be going hiking, hanging out with friend, and a little bit of work. I will not be doing homework no matter what! Oh and I guess I will be having family coming in from New Orleans so I will be taking them all around Colorado. Of course we will go skiing, see 16th street mall, and all that is Colorado.” – Emily Hixon web_emily

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