The Princess Bride: Box-office bust turned cult classic? Inconceivable!

One of the most well-loved romantic adventure stories of the last two decades, “The Princess Bride” offers a wonderful blend of comedy, action, intrigue, and, of course, love. “The Princess Bride,” which opened initially in 1987, did not do very well in theaters, but received very favorable reviews from critics. Since then, it has become a cult classic and is considered one of the best romantic adventures of the last two decades.

“Heroes. Giants. Villains. Wizards. True Love. – Not just your basic, average, everyday, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, ho-hum fairy tale.” This is how the story begins, with a young boy sick in bed, and his grandfather reading this classic tale of knights and ladies, swordplay and suspense, poison and torture. The fairy tale is the classic boy-meets-girl, with Westley wooing the lovely Buttercup and promising to always return to her. When Buttercup finds out that Westley, who joined a shipping crew, was attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts, she is so distraught she nearly dies. The prince Humperdinck, heir to the throne of Florin, asks for Buttercup’s hand in marriage, and she reluctantly agrees because she believes that Westley is dead. From here, the plot develops into a web of intrigue, as we learn that Westley is not dead, and is doing all in his power to track down and rescue Buttercup from the prince Humperdinck.

Westley, on the trail of a trio of bandits who have kidnapped Buttercup trying to start a war, matches his blade with the skillful and vengeful Inigo Montoya, whose only goal in life is to avenge the death of his father. This battle, along with many others, fails to stop Westley on his quest to rescue his beautiful bride, and even death itself is not enough to prevent their eventual reunion.

At once fantastical and fanciful, The Princess Bride never ceases to please. This is the power of True Love, one might say; the power to overcome every obstacle in one’s path in search of the one you love. Westley never gave up on Buttercup, and in the end he triumphed. The Princess Bride offers enjoyment for everyone, with the whole spectrum of movie-watching pleasures. Yes, the special effects are very 1980’s and therefore kind of cheesy, but in the end the viewer does not care because the story just makes the viewer smile. This is a feel-good movie, because the good guy gets the girl, and everything turned out okay. It was mocked in theaters, but has passed the test of time, and will continue to please crowds for many years to come.

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