“The Adjustment Bureau.” Even the name screams mysterious government agency. This action thriller follows the life of David Norris (Matt Damon), a man who rose from an impoverished life in the Bronx to become a New York State senator, while being manipulated by the invisible hand of the Adjustment Bureau.
After losing the race for Governor of New York, David Norris made a thrilling speech that was inspired by a woman that he met in the restroom. He and this woman had instant chemistry, but as quickly as she had appeared, the woman vanished. Three years later, David Norris met this woman again in a chance encounter on a bus going to work.
What David Norris did not know was that he was supposed to miss that bus because of an interaction made by the Adjustment Bureau. Actions as simple as spilling coffee or having to wait at the cross walk for an extra minute can have major long term consequences. David Norris making his bus actually caused a chain of events that led him to discovering the activities of the Adjustment Bureau.
While most of the movie is based upon chance, one cannot help but wonder if some organization in the world has the power govern people’s lives according to a plan. The movie refers to a person called ‘The Director,’ someone who has written everyone’s lives according to a master plan. This master plan receives revisions or corrections through the acts of the Adjustment Bureau.
This movie employs many great guest appearances from people like Jon Stewart and Chuck Scarborough. Though not much of the plot is revealed until the very end, the movie does not attempt to trick the audience with erroneous plot details or misleading red herrings. Overall, this movie is a great action flick with an good plot and receives a 7 out of 10.