Softball triumphs over CSU Pueblo in best of 4
Aries – As Aries is a ram, today you will either transform into a truck and fight the evils of the universe, or you will begin to feast on garbage and your pupils will become rectangular. Let us hope for the former.
Taurus – You have always felt the spirit of the bull inside of you – the power, the awe-striking magnificence, the tasty rib-eye steaks. Be careful of that last one, though, when you get stranded on a desert island this week.
Mines students and faculty are concerned with the results from the zombie outbreak drill that began last week. Framed as a game to prevent panic among the students, the drill simulated the conditions of a zombie outbreak using Nerf weapons and bright green bandannas around the arm (human) or skull (zombie). The results were horrifying. By the end of the week, the zombies had gained a clear dominance over their human counterparts and were seen forming rudimentary social groups without fear of attack.
Two friends of mine are big sports fans. I am not. They both purchased season passes to their favorite team. However for the first game one of my friends was out of town. So he let me borrow his ticket to go with the friend that was still in town. I did and it was great fun, but what I didn’t expect was to win an iPod touch while there. Now technically I won this as the person occupying the seat. I know that neither my friend nor I own an iPod already. So, I’m torn as to whether I tell him I won it or just keep it for myself. Help.
–What’s an iPod Between Friends?
Last week’s Van Tuyl lecture was oddly appropriate, given the brief overnight snowstorm preceding it. Dr. Mark Williams of the University of Colorado at Boulder dispelled some commonly held beliefs about mountains while reinforcing some vital environmental facts in his lecture titled “Teflon Basins and the Role of Groundwater in Seasonally Snow-Covered Basins in Response to Changes in Climate.”
Queensland, Australia – Humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean appear to follow musical trends much the same as humans. In an 11-year study, researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia listened to humpback whale songs to see if there were any noticeable patterns. In the course of their study, the researchers found that humpback whales start musical trends that appear to always travel across the ocean from west to east. Every few months, entire populations of whales change their song, closely imitating each other. The cycle appears to take about two years from the whales starting a new song to it reaching the western shores of the Polynesian islands. Humpback whales are the only non-human species to exhibit these musical trends.
Dr. Dudley Herschbach, the head of the chemistry department at Harvard University in Harvard, Massachusetts, gave a guest lecture at the Colorado School of Mines for the semi-annual Lucas Lecture. The Lucas Lecture series, started by a George Lucas 22 years ago, is an opportunity to welcome faculty and staff from other schools across the nation to share their expertise and knowledge.
“I don’t think if it weren’t for the genocide I would be here,” said Dr. Hadidja Nyiransekuye of Metropolitan State College of Denver. She shared from her memoir of personal experiences entitled “The Lances Were Looking Down: One Woman’s Path through the Rwandan Genocide to Life in the States” in a fascinating entry in the Hennebach Program in Humanities lecture series.
The House of Representatives has passed a bill outlining the Republican’s plan for spending that claims it would cut federal spending by more than $6 trillion over the next ten years. The House passed the bill in a 235 to 193 vote, with all but four Republicans voting for the bill. The goal now is to cut government spending to avoid reaching the debt limit of $14.294 trillion. The bill is not expected to pass the Democratic-controlled senate.