This Week in Colorado History: Politics and Papers

The Democratic party was alive and well 100 years ago as members were reminded that the Democratic State Convention was rapidly approaching. In the April 26, 1876, issue of “The Colorado Transcript,”

George W. Miller and James T. Smith, chairman and secretary of the Colorado Democratic Party, respectively, made sure that all fellow Democrats were aware of the upcoming state meeting to select six delegates to send to the Democratic National Convention in St. Louis on June 27, 1876.

In Colorado, the weather is always of interest, even if the year is 1876. “The Colorado Transcript” reported that “the weather just now is all that the fancy of the most enthusiastic Coloradan would care to paint it. The bluffs and foot-hills in sight of town are putting on their spring coat of green, and the average town cow that is not happy does not deserve to live through another of these haleyon days.”

The Golden Paper Mills was rebounding after what the “Transcript” termed “a long term of idleness caused by litigation.” The “Transcript” did not elaborate on what this litigation concerned, but did seem quite excited to welcome the paper back. The mill was expected to produce its first new batch of paper after two weeks of dormancy. It was expected to begin with wrapping paper, with newsprint to follow.

In a rather unwelcome and anti-climactic statement, the “Transcript” announced the delinquent tax list would be released the next week in “The Golden Globe,” the other local paper of the time. “Transcript” readers surely hoped they would not need a copy of the “Globe” the next week.

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