Minds at Mines: Campus Renovations

CSM has been undertaking numerous projects to make the campus more walkable and aesthetically pleasing. This year, the school opened west Brown Building and Maple Hall and completed a paved walkway along what was 16th street between Maple and Illinois streets. Improvements are still underway, with the construction of Marquez Hall and the North-South portion of what will be called Maple Plaza. In light of these recent improvements, Minds at Mines asks, “What is your opinion of the expansions and upgrades to campus?”

Daniel Harrison – Senior
“[I am] impressed that Maple and Brown Building were done on time. Maple is beautiful and nice, but the community isn’t there. People aren’t as friendly there as in the traditionals.”

Riya Muckom – Junior
“I think they are good. Despite having roads and sidewalks blocked, it will be good for the campus in the long run. Underclassmen will get to take advantage of the new buildings.”

Bernard Beecher – Junior
“The upgrades will be good for students four years from now, but for current students they don’t help much.”

Robert Broman – Junior
“I am very excited about the future benefits of the buildings and renovations, especially Marquez Hall. Going to school at what feels like a construction site can be annoying and time consuming.”

Abe Kline – Sophomore
“It is a hassle to have to have to walk around campus with the construction, but hopefully it will bring more girls.”

Dan Allen – Masters Student
“The upgrades are positive. The next one should be a parking structure. With more buildings and more students, parking becomes even more of a nightmare. Brown Building lacks personality.”

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