The United Nations Security Council has unanimously voted to end all foreign military operations in Libya by Monday. Libyan interim government leader Mustafa Abdel-Jalil asked that NATO forces remain until the end of the year to quell any uprisings by Qaddafi supporters, but the NATO commanders have said that they will honor the U.N. ruling.
An International Criminal Court prosecutor has made indirect contact with the late Colonel Qaddafi’s last unaccounted for son, Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi. Seif Qaddafi is wanted for crimes against the people of Libya, and will stand trial for the suspected killing of civilians in the early days of the uprising against his father’s government.
The Israelis performed another prisoner swap last week, the second of its kind this month. One Israeli army veteran, held by Egypt, was exchanged for 25 Bedouin prisoners held by Israel. This move by the Israeli government is seen as an effort to heal years of bad relations between the two powers, following the ousting of former president Hosni Mubarak.
The death toll of the Syrian uprising continues to climb as security forces supporting President Assad shot roughly 30 protesters last week. The death toll since protests began this March is now estimated at 3,000. In spite of the danger, activists still take to the streets, and the uprisings show no signs of waning.
The Turkish government has extended a helping hand to a group of Syrian soldiers that defected from the Syrian military. Formerly one of Syria’s closest allies, Turkey is now positioning itself in opposition to Assad’s government and is expected to begin imposing trade sanctions against Syria.
The Euro-zone financial markets may be on the climb again as German chancellor Angela Merkel moved forward with what is being called the most comprehensive plan to boost the ailing Euro. Many have criticized Merkel for being slow in responding to the European debt crisis, but this move has shown decisive actionon her part.
According to new census data, Americans are changing their migration habits. Before the global recession hit, Americans tended to move from places like New York and Chicago to what is known as the Sun Belt, specifically California and Florida. During the current economic downturn, however, people are staying put.