Daily Archives: March 25, 2012

I thought I was a Civil…

Fear not, my dedicated followers. I have not forgotten you, nor will I ever leave you to cry in your rooms with no one to speak of your pain. In the last few months this particular po’ed student has been silent, but that is just because school is kicking my butt. What everyone says about junior year is true. But enough about that, I have something to say.


Collaboration aims to provide energy efficient housing

In a collaborative effort to bring more energy efficiency into housing construction, the Paradigm project aims to offer affordable housing in the area of Lafayette, Colorado. To discuss the first stage of construction, Scott Simkus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and representatives of the Farnsworth Group, an engineering and architectural firm, spoke at CSM’s Heiland Lecture.

Scientific discoveries this week: 3-26-12

San Diego, California – Molecular biologists recently discovered a way to force mice to confuse memories of past experiences with current experiences. The study involved placing mice in a cage with non-descript white walls, and injecting them with a shot of clozapine, a schizophrenia drug. The mice’s brains developed receptors that would trigger whenever clozapine was injected, which resulted in the brain’s neurons recreating whatever memory was associated with the drug. The researchers then placed the mice in a cage with checkered walls, and delivered a set of mild electric shocks to their feet while injecting them with clozapine. Interestingly, every time the mice were placed in the cage with the shocks, they would expect no shocks or pain, because they confused the checkered cage with the plain one. The researchers also found that another shot of the drug would essentially unscramble the mice’s thoughts.


Cooking Corner: Supreme Bagel Pizza

The legendary bagel bite is back. While bite sized snacks were great for the younger days, most students need a little more sustenance than what frozen bagel bites can provide. Full-sized pizza bagels are a great way to utilize day-old bagels, and they provide all of the enjoyment of the frozen minis without all of the preservatives.

This Week in Colorado History: Black Powder Blues

Two CSM freshmen had a close call this week in 1914 when they found and accidentally detonated a can of black powder. The students chose to spend their Saturday exploring Mt. Zion, but became cold. They came across an old blacksmith shop and decided to warm up by building a fire in the forge. The students began experimenting. They grabbed a piece of steel, heated it, and “struck [it] sharply over the anvil.”


Open invitation to CSM students

On Saturday, March 31, from Noon till 2:00pm an Open House will be held at Calvary Church Golden. Located at 1320 Arapahoe Street this event enters off 14th Street. Come meet your neighbor and take a tour. Calvary covers the entire city block with many amenities. Looking for a place to hold meetings or run a fund raiser? Calvary is the perfect venue for CSM.

Left Brain Rebels

Golden Colorado- I want you to think of an engineering or applied science field; in your notion of this does Art (creativity) come to mind? The general notion is that science must be separated from art, that in college a student must choose art or science, but the reality is as engineers and applied scientists we must attempt to find balance between the two. In reality, science is a feat of heightened creativity.

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