The E-pocalypse days have nearly arrived, and the official events begin Thursday, March 29, at 6:30 PM with the annual comedy show in Bunker Auditorium. The show features comedians Andrew Orvedahl and Julian McCullough. They are both funny and entertaining comedians who should put on an excellent show to start off the festivities.
Orvedahl, who grew up and currently lives in Denver, Colorado, frequently brings laughter to the Comedy Works in downtown Denver. He has appeared in shows and openings across the United States, including comedy festivals in Aspen, Las Vegas, and Seattle, and is the creator and host of the monthly storytelling show “The Narrators.” Orvedahl has also appeared on “Last Comic Standing,” Comedy Central’s website, and Sirus-XM radio. His persona is that of an “indie nerd,” and his joke subjects range from various everyday annoyances like car alarms and rent problems to odd neighbors with strange businesses, embarrassing miscommunications, and to trying to act like an adult amidst the general hilarity found in ordinary events of life.
The second comedian, McCullough, is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, though he is now a resident of New York City. He was featured back in 2007 in the Just for Laughs Festival as a “New Face.” He won the “New York’s Funniest” competition in 2008, filmed his own Comedy Central special in 2009, hosted a two-hour special entitled “40 Funniest Fails,” and has appeared on the TV show “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.” He has also written and performed two original stories on the public radio program “This American Life.” In his routine, McCullough sticks to a stage persona of an average guy who jokes about the everyday occurrences and problems in life, including pets, unexpected expenses, funny stories from childhood, and strange relatives.
Mines is proud to host both Orvedahl and McCullogh at this year’s E-pocalypse Days, and these two comedians are sure to start off the festivities on a high note.