
Minds at Mines: HvZ

While normally considered a peaceful place, twice a year the Colorado School of Mines becomes the site of an epic battle for survival. The event, known as Humans vs. Zombies, pits student against student in a week-long series of missions and activities planned by the Mines Urban Gaming Club. In a neutral, indoor site, Minds at Mines met up with five participants and asked, “What is your favorite part about the Humans vs. Zombies activity? What is the best part about being a human or a zombie?”

Brian Williams
I enjoy the paranoia that happens when going between classes. Because of the paranoia, people band together into groups. As a human, I like being able to hit people with foam objects. Any excuse to carry foam swords is a good one.

Alex-Fong Alex Fong
You meet more people when you’re playing Humans vs. Zombies than when you are not. The best part about being a zombie is when you get a good horde going because there is a lot of teamwork involved.

Jacob Gohdes
The Humans vs. Zombies game is a great way to go around meeting people. You really get to learn the campus. As a zombie, ambushes are great. I love the look on the humans’ faces when they try to defend and know they can’t win.

Maria-Monroe Maria Monroe
The funnest part is watching people sprint from class to class and being paranoid about everything. Being a human, I like having the ability to hit people with weapons.

Matt Runas
Humans vs. Zombies is good stress relief. During registration when I am having difficulties with the registrar, it is nice to be able to run around and stun some zombies.

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