With college comes cost, and it seems like everywhere you turn there is a new one. One place where no one wants to see cost is in the entertainment on their smart phone, and now you do not need to. App Tracker compiles a list of apps that go on sale for a short period of time, and the best part is, the apps are free. While there are some fairly obscure apps that make you wonder why anyone would need them, there are some useful and entertaining free apps.
The first app reduces what you pay for ringtones. One unfortunate aspect of the iPhone is Apple’s tight control over the ringtones. With Ringtone Maker, you are able to take songs or sounds stored in your iPhone and make them your ringtone, text tone, tweet tone, email tone, and whatever else you need “toned.” It comes with numerous features that allow you to edit the sound in a variety of ways from length to pitch.
Instagram needs to step aside with the large sum of money it received from Facebook. Now, the hottest new media altering app is Viddy which is Instagram on steroids for your videos. With basic coloring effects like Instagram, Viddy integrates more settings, from white balance to audio metering. So if you were the next big photographer with Instagram, it is about time you picked up Viddy from the app store to show that you can shoot videos with the best of them.
There are few free games that hold your attention for longer than a week or so. With the digital version of Mattel’s award winning board game, Blockus, the craving for a new game may be over. The rules are simple. Block your opponent from being able to place anymore pieces onto the board. However, if you start playing with your friend without thinking through your strategy you will find your blocks simply will not fit.
The next app is a bit of a strange one, but the entertainment value is undeniable. With Oldify, you’re able to take pictures of your friends, family, or yourself and age the pictures to the desired age. Of course seeing a couple unsightly wrinkles on your friends is the obvious use, but the real gem hidden in the app is the feature to animate said aged pictures.
Never search for your phone that you put on silent again. Find My Phone is an app that not only finds your missing phone and displays it on a map, but can also make the phone sound even if it is on silent. Simply log into another iOS device and the app will show you where the missing device is along with being able to distantly lock the phone or wipe the phone.
Paying for apps is something of the past with App Tracker. However, do not wait because these app deals are only available for a short amount of time.