Registration week a huge success

In collaboration with the registrar, “The Oredigger” performed a study on the Fall 2012 registration experience. The results were shocking: 81% of CSM students found their registration experience went “smoothly and was successful.” “The Oredigger” looked to investigate the causes.

Part of the reason for such a great registration process was Trailhead, which was so consistent in the weeks leading up to registration that figuring out classes was not a problem. In addition, the LAIS department added five new 400 level courses so that everyone could meet their upper-level LAIS requirement.

Advisors were especially encouraged to be available during office hours and as a result, 90% of all advisors made themselves available to give out counseling, PINs, and in some cases even brownies.

Trailhead continued to work at lightning speed all week with no reports of prerequisite or co-requisite errors reported. All classes had an appropriate number of recitation spots, as every department evaluated the number of seats they would need for every student to take his or her required classes. Mines’ wireless network even ran to its full capability all week as students registered in class, the academic buildings, and the residence halls without fail.

“The Oredigger” consulted the Physics department on this supernatural phenomenon, and physicists agreed something was definitely out of the ordinary. “We have no idea what caused everything to happen as it did, but we believe the phenomenon moves like a wave and has a period of five years,” said a member of the department. The frequency of this event makes this a very special occasion not likely to happen in a student’s undergrad career again.

In related news, LonCapa had no problem handling PHGN100 and PHGN200 students checking their grades Wednesday, November 14, after their respective exams.

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