Comic Corner: The Spider-Man universe entangles readers in an intricate web
To provide fair warning, the disclaimer at the top is really an understatement. There are some major spoilers ahead for these comics. That being said, there is not much point in beating around the bush. Courtesy of these three issues, Peter Parker is dead and Doc Ock is now Spider-Man. Yeah, that actually happened. Now, let’s take a closer look and see what caused this insanity.
As a matter of full disclosure, I should mention that I’ve kept my eye on the Spider-Man universe enough to know generally what’s been going on in it, but I have not actually read many Spider-Man comics since the “One More Day” story arc (a story wherein Peter made a deal with Mephisto, Marvel’s version of the devil, to save Aunt May and make the rest of the world forget Parker’s recently-revealed secret identity in exchange for Peter and Mary Jane giving up the memory of their marriage). Hence, I did not pick up these issues when they first came out and there were none left when I went to go buy them later, so my knowledge here comes largely from scans and transcripts of these comics.