Sigma Lamda supports Project Angel Heart

Toward the end of last semester, Sigma Lambda members provided crayons, markers, and brown bags in the student center atrium for anyone in need of a quick study break to volunteer for Project Angel Heart. Members of Sigma Lambda took the doodling opportunity seriously and also spent many club meetings decorating bags.

One might ask, “What is Project Angel Heart?” The goal of the organization is to provide free “meals with love” for people of all ages with life-threatening illnesses in Denver, Colorado Springs, and the surrounding area. The organization started in 1991, when its members received a pan of lasagna and served it to their first twelve clients. In their twenty-first year, the organization is now serving over 800 clients every week.

There are many volunteer opportunities in Denver Metro Area for the CSM clubs and community to take part in. Sigma Lambda sponsors 3 public service events each academic year. Its members strive to find volunteer ventures that engage students and are entertaining as well as beneficial. The Project Angel Heart bag decoration endeavor provided the perfect opportunity for a bunch of engineers to use their creative talents while honoring and protecting the dignity and emotional health of those living with life-threatening illnesses.

Later this semester Sigma Lambda will sponsor its annual spring Safe Zone event. The club president, Jon Pritchard, explained, “I would say that Safe Zone is our way of reaching out to the campus community to promote a more accepting and informed student body.”

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