
Minds at Mines: Advice to Younger Self

The end of the year is a time for many things, including frantically getting projects done, studying for finals, and cleaning out the room for the summer to move back home for a little while. The end of the year also provides a time to look back and learn. This week, Minds at Mines asked, “What would you say to the incoming freshman version of yourself?”

Don’t trust anyone, and if you’re sick for more than a month, go to the health center!
Antonia McMullan
Get as much sleep as you can. If you can take a nap, DO IT!
Andrea Christians
Mengyuan-Yu Study hard, trust yourself, don’t give up, and ask for help.
Mengyuan Yu
Never take 19 credit hours!
Corbett Crook
Nohemi-Almaraz College can be stressful but not everything has to be about homework, you can do other stuff too.
Nohemi Almaraz

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