Club Sport of the Week: Bowling

The beginning of bowling can be dated back to Ancient Egypt and the early Roman Empire. During that time the most primitive forms of bowling entailed tossing stone objects towards sticks and stones. The first standardized rules for bowling weren’t established until 1895 in New York City. Today, bowling is played by millions of people each year with a variety of different rules and styles.

Colorado School of Mines has a history of bowling all of its own. Club Bowling disbanded after the 2009-2010 school from lack of interest of its members. Although the club was successful in intercollegiate play, they struggled to infuse the club with new members each year. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of club president William Siirola and his fellow officers Isabel Chaltas, Lexi Scherkenbach, and Corey Tokunaga-Reichert, Club Bowling is back at Mines!

Club Bowling currently practices every Wednesday night from 7:00 – 9:00 PM at Golden Bowl. Golden Bowl is located on 24th Street near the roundabout that connects Jackson Street to South Golden Road. The team plans on using this practice time to prepare for their journeys to Wichita and Las Vegas, where they will compete in tournaments against colleges from all over the country. The team would love to have new members join the club. The club roster already contains 25 members, but anybody is welcome to join. As of now, Club Bowling is a no-cut club. All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join, and all you need to do is begin attending the weekly practices. If you are interested in joining Club Bowling, contact William Siirola at for further information about the club.

Later this year the Club Bowling team is putting on a bowling tournament through the IM department. You can help and support the team by partaking in this event because the team is trying to use this year’s tournament as a fundraiser. The funds with help support the team when they pay for travelling, coaching, and practice facility expenses. The club hopes to see you there!

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