Headlines from around the world: 3/3/14

A federal judge in San Antonio has ruled that Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage and its refusal to recognize the validity of out-of-state same-sex marriages are unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia writes in his ruling, “Regulation of marriage has traditionally been the province of the states and remains so today, However, any state law involving marriage or any other protected interest must comply with the United States Constitution. ” The two bans will, however, remain in effect for the time being as the judge has issued a stay until the issue is resolved by a higher court.

A document released recently by Edward Snowden has revealed the Government Communications Headquarters, a British intelligence agency, has a group known as the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group. This infiltrated numerous groups online with the intent to inject false information to destroy the reputation of its targets as well as manipulated online discourse through negative information, false flag operations, and fake victim blog posts.

The ACLU is filing suit against the Haralson County school district in Georgia over the firing of Johnny Cook who refused to issue an apology for statements on his Facebook account where he commented on a student being refused lunch because the student did not have the forty cents needed for a reduced price lunch. The day after making the comment, Cook was given an ultimatum of apologizing and receiving a two-week suspension or having his employment terminated.

Davi Barker, co-founder of BitcoinsNotBombs, a Bitcoin advocacy group that aids donation-based groups in being able to use the crypto-currency, was confronted by the TSA because they needed to check his bag because they ‘found’ Bitcoin in his bag. While the currency is completely digital, Barker was wearing promotional material for his group at the time and had lapel pins that he sells at conferences. It is unclear as of yet the reason for the stop, as while it is illegal to travel internationally from the US with large amounts of money, Barker’s flight was within the continental US.

The Food and Drug Administration is proposing major changes to nutritional labels on food labels that aims to put calorie count in large type and adjusts portion sizes to better reflect the actual amount of foods Americans eat. The proposal also adds a line to nutritional labels that will point out the amount of manufactured sugar added to a food item in addition to total sugar as opposed to the current label which only has total sugar. The proposal is centered around the fact that portion sizes in the US have changed dramatically since the 1970’s and 1980’s which is from when most of the serving sizes on food labels are based on.

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