Mines Little Theater (MLT) recently began rehearsals for their spring musical, Young Frankenstein. While the plays put on last semester were all student-directed, the musical will be directed by Rory Pierce, who currently works with Miners’ Alley Playhouse.
Pierce has spent 28 years in professional theater, and began his relationship with MLT by directing Jekyll and Hyde last spring.
“The Mines course load, along with the time and energy to devote to such an outside endeavor, makes the student-driven performances all the more impressive,” says Pierce.
He is very excited to direct Young Frankenstein, which is a musical based on the film directed by Mel Brooks.
“I was honored to be asked, and even more honored to be asked back,” he said.
One of the goals Pierce has for this production is “to treat [MLT] as professional theater. I expect the same quality regardless of rigor.”
This method proved successful with Jekyll and Hyde, and is a further testament to the dedication and hard work of MLT’s student actors.
As with any musical, significant preparation goes into making a great performance.
According to Pierce, “There are so many aspects to focus on; to get great quality, you have to take song and dance numbers, lots of sets, choreography, an orchestra, and a big technical aspect, and put all of it together.”
With a more work intensive operation underway, rehearsals will be strenuous and will require lots of hard work. But, understandably, Pierce and MLT are both most looking forward to opening night, where all their efforts will pay off.
“As an actor, rehearsals are a necessary evil. But to watch the growth from the first rehearsal to opening night to closing is great,” he shares, and adds, “I love seeing [MLT] continue to grow. After seeing Boeing Boeing and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the fall, I can say their work continues to be really impressive.”
Young Frankenstein opens April 15th and 16th, with performances continuing on the 22nd and 23rd. Two matinees have been added to this semester’s lineup for a total of 6 performances. Be sure to go see it – it will be electrifying.