SRC Lacking, Needs Improvement

With the New Year having come and passed, hopefully most of us still have been able to keep our New Year’s Resolutions. It is no secret that one of the most common Resolutions is to get fit or start going to the gym regularly.

After being to the Student Rec Center here at Mines, I can see that many students have decided to begin going to the gym. The problem with this, however, is just how crowded our weight room gets. This detracts from all gym goers’ experience, because seriously, who wants to wait 30 minutes just to get a squat rack?

Despite our gym having some of the best equipment out there, it is severely lacking in its size and the quantity of equipment. For our school of over 5,000 total students, our gym has only one flat bench press and two squat racks, with one of the squat racks being a platform that supports deadlifts. This may have worked in the past, but with our school’s rapidly increasing enrollment, something needs to be done about this problem. In addition to a lack of equipment quantity, our gym is simply lacking in space.

This is just something that should not happen at a gym. What I am trying to get across is that one of the next items on Mines’ to-do list should be to improve the gym’s size/space.

The $159.14 per semester fee paid by individual students for the Rec Center totals over $1.5 million considering all the students’ payments, and at least some of this should be used to increase the size of the gym or the amount of equipment available.

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