Denver Music Scene: Overslept

The local music scene in Denver can be extremely hit or miss, though there are a few diamonds in the rough.

One such band is Overslept. With extremely clever and meaningful lyrics that feel as though they are being absorbed directly by the heart, Overslept is one of the few bands with listeners that cannot help but binge on their playful timings and dynamic arrangements.

In addition to frontman Elias Armao’s exceptional writing, his soulful voice echos through listener’s eardrums in a way that would leave anyone filled with a sense of satisfaction.

Although commonly associated with the local punk and emo bands, Overslept’s vocal styling is anything but punk. Rather, it is soft and sweet when it needs to be, and booms into a crescendo with the instrumentation without letting go of its crisp and mellifluous qualities.

The band has a full length EP that came out at the end of 2015, entitled I’ve Been Keeping To Myself. Containing tracks that many college students can relate to such as Intro to Cultural Anthropology and On Wednesdays, We Wear Pink, Armao discusses his strifes with trying to find a meaningful connection amidst students that came to college for all the wrong reasons.

The heartbreaking acoustic piece Almost All the Time forces its listeners eyes to water as he describes his experiences with love and loss.

More recently, the band has released a split album with Kentucky band Father Mountain. The split contains two new songs from each band as well as a cover of a popular track from the other band.

Father Mountain’s cover of Overslept’s  Shouldered is an interesting and powerful interpretation of the song that is sure to be yelled in the car for weeks to come. Overslept also came prepared with their cover Father Mountain’s On Leaving and Being Left Behind, containing sweet acoustic guitar accompanied by beautiful harmonies that combine seamlessly with each other.

Overslept is no stranger to performing. With some of the most entertaining stage presence along with witty and authentic-feeling banter between the bandmates and the audience, it would be a tragedy to not see one of their local shows.

Make sure to keep eyes and ears open and ready for Overslept’s rise through the local Denver music scene!

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