The moral of this election is don’t use email. Clinton’s email server has been a huge talking point this election, on grounds of cybersecurity and transparency. The FBI is correct in pointing out the “gross negligence” of a private server. The FBI found 113 emails containing classified information, of which 3 had classification markers, and the media continues to ask “what about the 33,000 emails which were not turned over and deleted?”
As of last Friday, Anthony Weiner has managed to work his way into the Clinton email dumpster fire. James Comey of the FBI said the new emails “appear to be pertinent to our investigation.”
Other Clinton scandals include the Clinton Foundation, which is creates a major conflict of interests between the Clintons and the US government. The foundation stated it would disclose all donations and get approval for donations from certain foreign powers. There are two cases where this was not followed, the first is a donation from Algeria. The second involves the sale of a uranium mine to Russia.
Trump seems to have had a scandal every other week, with a past of racial housing discrimination, hiring undocumented workers and models, refusing to pay workers and contractors hundreds of thousands of dollars, violating the Cuban Embargo, and promoting nuclear proliferation.
Trump has also had to deal with the fallout from the Trump Foundation which he has not donated to since 2008 and which he has used for personal purchases. His foundation has been hit with a cease and desist letter requiring it to halt fundraising in New York.
He is also due to stand trial for fraud in connection to Trump University in November. His track record with women is abysmal. There is the video from 2005, 12 current accusers, previous sexual assault lawsuits, and a rape accusation from his ex-wife.
This election is a disaster. Please send any comments to: This is actually a contact email.