Mines Internet Radio (MIR), a largely student-run organization, offers students the chance to have a weekly show broadcasted for anyone to listen to online. Students can work alone or in groups to create a show filled with what they want to share with the world. Common shows consist of music, conversations, humor, and opinions.
Megan Hansen and Ruthie Cooney have a show on Monday nights from 8:00pm to 9:00pm.
“We [wanted to]constructively focus our obsession with music,” Cooney said about the inspiration to start a show.
Involvement in the organization offers a creative outlet that they have control over.
“Anyone can do this; you don’t have to be a music junkie. Anyone can come in and have a show and make it their own,” Cooney said.
MIR also brings diversity and connectivity to the campus by allowing different interests to be
“Because it’s on the internet, anyone can listen to it. It’s cool that we can represent Mines in this way to the community. It’s also really cool to get a text from a friend saying that they listened to our show and loved it,” Hansen said.
MIR fills a unique niche on a campus oversaturated with math and science—it gives students, whether listening or participating, the opportunity to have a more well-rounded experience, with background music.