“It” is a 2017 horror/thriller directed by Andy Muschietti. The film is set in the small town of Derry, Maine and follows seven teenagers in their fight against a demonic shape-shifting evil terrorizing their town. Coming into this retelling of Stephen King’s story, many fans of the novel and 1990 TV adaption were trepid, to say the least.
The first printing of the novel in 1986 spanned over 1,100 pages and was a very rich and fulfilling read for those who underwent the task. Then in 1990, director Tommy Lee Wallace developed a two-part TV adaptation that left fans with mixed feelings about the interpretation of the story, but a deep love for Tim Curry’s portrayal of the terrifying Pennywise, the Dancing Clown.
Fast forward 27 years, to 2017. To say a lot was riding on this story is an understatement. Fans of the original novel and movies alike can rest easy by knowing that this adaptation stays true to the great parts of the source material, while updating and reinventing the tale.
Fantastic performances by the young cast, combined with incredible cinematography and score composition within the film allow for a truly great movie experience. In addition to the film providing elements of scare and horror that even the greatest fans of the genre can appreciate, there is excellent character development and growth among the seven teenagers.
By the end of the film, there is a deep connection and care for each character. Bill Skarsgård’s portrayal of the demonic Pennywise is the cherry on top. His unsettling, frightening, and downright scary performance only adds to the film’s greatness. At the end of the day, and with Halloween just around the corner, “It” is well worth the price of admission.