CS Updates IV

I hope something positive has happened to you since the last issue of “Updates in the CS World.” This sentence is a segue into the topic of this issue, which is nothing. Nothing, in particular, has happened which caused me to think, “Hey, the next column should be about this thing,” so now we’re here. You shouldn’t stop reading because I’m omnipresent and I would know, also you could miss out on something.

Much Ado About Nothing

Something about the relevancy of nothing. I’d probably put something here about what you would do with nothing or how it works. Shiny one-liner that highlights a cool feature of nothing. Quip! You know what is something? Just kidding loser I’m not taking this article anywhere. While typing this sentence I ACCIDENTALLY HIT CAPS-LOCK AND I WON’T GO BACK TO FIX IT AND NEITHER WILL THE EDITORS. I, Editor Sophia Beck- Donovan Keohane, do humbly apologize for the prior jab. [Add a sentence or two about this part being the explanation of what would be something, but is unequivocally nothing]. Because I’m omnipresent I know that some guy named Kevin stopped reading last sentence. Loyal followers, strike him down.

The conclusion. Please stay tuned for the next issue, where we’ll talk about something. •

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Secret message courtesy of Sophia Becker.

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