

In Hajj Out – My Pilgrimage to In-N-Out

So, you’re a Mine’s student just doing your business on campus. However, one day, some obnoxious Californian comes to your midst, moaning “My Lord, My Lord, where is my In-N-Out Burger? Why have you forsaken me?” or “Where is my double-double cheeseburger salvation?” or even “Where is my milkshake propitiation for my gluttonous sins?” This…


Stop the Spice!

There is currently a growing grassroots movement among students around the food being served at Mines Market. Salt, and even more startlingly, other spices, are used daily in meals prepared by the Mines Market staff. The behavior and culture of preparing salted food are now being put down by a coalition of students calling for…

CS Updates IV

I hope something positive has happened to you since the last issue of “Updates in the CS World.” This sentence is a segue into the topic of this issue, which is nothing. Nothing, in particular, has happened which caused me to think, “Hey, the next column should be about this thing,” so now we’re here….

New Residence Hall Opening

The Oredigger is proud to be the first to announce the unveiling of the newest residence hall on campus–Johnson Hall. Construction was completed last Wednesday, the 10th, in a record 39 hours by a group of strapping Design 1 students. Johnson Hall is located on the former courtyard of Spruce Hall, to which Residence Life…


Mines to Expand Once Again

Featured image: “Rumor has it that this will be the last parking spot left on campus.” Image courtesy of Shane Cranor. BREAKING NEWS: PCJ recently announced that the school is shooting for a student population of 22,000 by 2022. Lots Q, A, AA, F, FF, I, J, and D to be replaced with residence halls….


New Graduation Requirements

Featured image: “The Career Center staff had an instrumental role in many of these changes.” Image courtesy of Shane Cranor. The Registrar’s Office has recently released additional requirements for graduation which are effective immediately for the Spring 2021 semester. These new requirements were created with the consideration and alignment of the absolute highest value at…


From the Archives: CMEU

December 17, 1963, two Letters To The Editor were published in The Oredigger concerning the renaming of Colorado School of Mines to Colorado Mineral Engineering University. These were in response to an idea brought to attention by Dr. Childs in The Mines Magazine. The main purpose of this proposition was to see the school fulfill…

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