Tagged CS Updates

CS Updates III

Originally published on March 2nd, 2021. Given you survived Wednesday evening’s snow blitz, welcome to the third issue of Updates in the CS World (really though, 9 inches of snow overnight?). As promised, this issue we’ll touch on spaCy, a natural language processing library for Python, given its major v3.0 release. Edu-macating your ComputerFor the…

CS Updates IV

I hope something positive has happened to you since the last issue of “Updates in the CS World.” This sentence is a segue into the topic of this issue, which is nothing. Nothing, in particular, has happened which caused me to think, “Hey, the next column should be about this thing,” so now we’re here….

Computer Science Updates II

I hope since the last issue of Updates in the CS World, you’ve acquired some additional capital courtesy of Gamestop, AMC, and/or Dogecoin. Far away from the Wall Street excitement, our dear Gophers (fans of the Golang programming language), have been raving for their own reasons. After nearly 10 years of communal spit-balling and kicking…

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