Tagged Volume 96 Issue 4

Orediggers: National Champions

The men’s cross country team won the school’s first ever NCAA Championship. “It was pretty unreal. With it being the first national championship it was an unbelievable experience for everyone,” head coach Chris Siemers said. “It was unreal how everything took place and came together.” All-American Grant Colligan echoed similar feelings about winning the championship….

McBride Ethics Team Takes First

While Mines students may possess superior mathematical and scientific reasoning skills, the members of the McBride “McEthics” team also specialize in philosophical discussion and public speaking. Mines played host for the Rocky Mountain Regional Ethics Bowl on Saturday, Nov. 14th. Two Mines teams of five students each competed, and the McBride “McEthics” team won first…

Holiday spirit, volunteers power food drive

On the cusp of Thanksgiving Break, many Mines students showed true holiday spirit and helped to feed families on campus. The Colorado School of Mines 20th Annual Holiday Food drive was held Friday, Nov. 14, in the Ben Parker Student Center. Organized by Peg Mason, Louisa Duley, and Frances Aguilar, the food drive partnered with…

Corruption surprisingly common at local and state level

The Center for Public Integrity recently published its comprehensive nationwide investigation into states’ integrity. Each state was evaluated by local professional journalists by 245 different questions regarding the state’s policies in place and their enforcement. The organization’s intent was not to measure the corruption of each state, but rather the relative possibility of it occurring….

Citizens United cheapens basic ideals of democracy

In 2010, the Supreme Court decided the landmark case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, commonly known as Citizens United. This case overturned previous precedents and set a new one in American politics regarding campaign finance law. It further reinforced the idea of corporate personhood and recognized protection of corporate-funded free speech under the First…

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