On October 11th, Mines’ Be Well Health and Fitness Club hosted a presentation about proper nutrition with guest speakers Leighza Baasch and Kristin Johnson, dietetic interns with Sodexo. The aim of the event was to illuminate how proper sleep and nutrition can enhance students’ academic performance.
“I hope they can take away that though sleep does unfortunately take up time, in the long run it will improve work and ultimately save time,” stated Alisha Eskew, a senior in biochemistry and president of the Be Well Health and Fitness Club.
The importance of sleep and nutrient variation, as well as stress management, were Baasch and Johnson’s key topics.
“Establishing a regular routine allows for students to better manage their time, and from that set schedule build in time for relaxing and unwinding,” stated Baasch. “Taking a few minutes (or however long can be reasonably managed) to relax each day will help reduce stress and help students retain a sense of calm in the middle of a tough schedule.”
Baasch also emphasized the importance of students managing their mental health.
“Encourage fellow students to build a support peer group that they can talk to,” Baasch advised. “Being a student is stressful and meltdowns are going to happen.” Baasch also advised utilizing meal plans, food banks, and minimal snacking and caffeine intake to maximize nutrition and budget for the best academic performance.
“So many students do not understand that everything you do from blinking your eyes to feeling happy to taking a test happens chemically in your body first and nutrition has far reaching effects on literally everything,” stated Eskew. “People will find that once they get their eating habits and nutrition in shape, they’ll feel better in all aspects of their beings in general.”
The Be Well Health and Fitness Club plans to continue raising awareness for healthy lifestyles on campus.
“What the Be Well Health and Fitness Club is doing and is trying to do is bring education about all different approaches and trying to provide at least a starting point to become the healthiest person possible,” stated Eskew. “As a new organization at Mines, we haven’t had lots of chances to do this, but in the future we will be putting on more events such as this. I have no doubt you will hear our name again.”
Photo above courtesy Gabrial Taylor