
April Fools Rickrolls

By Jeremiah Vaille At the beginning of the month, I was rickrolled by one of my professors. Professor Kinzli sent his hydrology class a hyperlink to a video to watch before class, but the hyperlink went to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” music video. Since it was April Fool’s Day which occurs on…

Are There More Doors or Wheels in the World? The Twitter Turned TikTok Debate That’s Driving Me Crazy (but not for the reason you think)

By Lauren D’Ambra Last Thursday, I was working on some graphics for the newspaper when my phone started incessantly buzzing with lots of messages. Confused, because it was barely 9am, I picked up my phone to see what the fuss was about, and discovered that a student GroupMe I am a part of was riled…

Daylight Savings: The Real March Madness

By McKenna Larson Daylight Savings Time is the annoying remnant of an America focused on maximizing the working hours of farmers. In modern days it is an annoyance that causes fluctuations in sleep patterns, increased car accidents, and general loathing. Scientists, law makers, and sleep-loving Americans have debated the negative impacts of the “spring forward”…

A Long, Strange Trip

By Zachary Barry    I started writing for The Oredigger during my first semester at mines, in the fall of 2018, and I’ve been the Arts and Culture section editor since the fall of 2019. Both of these positions will come to an end when I graduate on December 17th.  It’s crazy for me to look…

What’s the Deal with Duo?

By Zachary Barry Continuing my series of opinion pieces about Mines changing technology that makes me feel like a boomer shouting, “get off my lawn” at the IT department, today I am writing/ranting about Duo. For the article I wrote on Labby, I included a brief description of what Labby was for readers who may…

Spooky Season Decoration Debate

by Jade Glaister Leaves are falling, temperatures are dropping, and the word “pumpkin” can be seen everywhere. The autumn season is upon us, signaling that it’s nearly that time of the year: spooky season. But, when does this season of all things scary and haunted actually begin? More importantly, when should Halloween decorations be put…

Why Take Career Day So Serious?

by Caleb Pan    Well, it’s my last career day as a senior graduating this semester. I also have a very well-paying job lined up. So…I strut into Lockridge wearing flip-flops, cargo shorts, a polygon panda cap, and a t-shirt with a cross-armed cartoon bunny with the text Me? Sarcastic? Never. I’m dressed for success, confidence…

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