
Thorson Wellness Design Expo

By Denali Klipstein Mark your calendar! On November 17th in Student Ballroom A the Freshman year Thorson Honors class will be holding a design expo targeted to improving mental wellness at Mines. Between 10:30-1:00 come down to the student center and take a peek at the things students have been working on and demo some…

How to Relax This Spring Break

By McKenna Larson Spring Break should be a time for students to decompress after hard first months of the semester but thoughts of upcoming homework or pressure to make plans can ruin any relaxation efforts. Here are my simple tips to have a relaxed Spring Break that serves your needs.  The biggest tip I have…

National Women’s Soccer Lawsuit Settled

By McKenna Larson In March 2019, 28 players of the US National Women’s Soccer Team filed a lawsuit against the legislative body United State Soccer Federation (USSF) for unequal pay and poorer working conditions compared to their male counterparts at the national level of professional soccer. The wage disparities are seen at all avenues of…

Mines Rebranded: Football is King

By McKenna Larson The Golddigger is the annual satire issue of The Oredigger. All stories on this page were intentionally written with satire in mind and are not to be taken seriously. Contact us at for any comments or questions. School officials have made the drastic, but unsurprising, announcement to declare engineering dead. The…

An Olympic Love Story

By Jeremiah Vaille Since the Winter Olympics are ongoing just 6 months after the delayed Tokyo Summer Olympics, and this is The Oredigger’s Valentines Day edition, I figured I would share a story of Olympic love. While athletes must focus on their sports and competition, the Olympic village is still full of socializing and some…

Colorado Olympians to Watch

By Jeremiah Vaille The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games have begun and will continue until February 20th. Colorado is well represented at the Olympics this year. Of the 224 athletes selected to represent Team USA, 23 currently call Colorado home. Additionally, 31 athletes in total were either born in Colorado or live and train in…

Athlete Spotlight- Dillon Powell

By Jeremiah Vaille Running at nearly 13.5 miles per hour for 5 kilometers may sound like it requires superpowers, but for Dillon Powell of the Colorado School of Mines track and field team, it is just one of his several lofty goals for the indoor track season. After a disappointing result at the NCAA Division…

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