Mark your calenders, May 4, for the Ryan Sayers Memorial Pi Mile! Join the Colorado School of Mines Math Club with their fifth annual Pi Mile. The run is exactly 3.14 miles, “no more and no less.” This run is the perfect study break during finals!
A portion of the proceeds from this race go to the Ryan Sayers Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Ryan Sayers Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund was established in 2008 as a spin-off from the Ryan Sayers Award Fund, which was first established in 2004. The scholarship fund is endowed in memory of Ryan Sayers to honor his life and contributions to the Mines community. He was an honor student of high intellect and passion who unselfishly devoted himself to teaching others. Starting in May 2004, the award has been given at each spring commencement, where the honorees have been acknowledged from the podium. While each one received a monetary award, the greatest honor is their association with the distinguished group of past and future recipients. In contributing to this scholarship, the CSM Math Club hopes to encourage others to continue Ryan’s efforts in their studies and their passions. They also hope that the enjoyment this event brings the community: both Mines and Golden, serves as an appropriate remembrance of Ryan during his years at Mines. The race is only $25 for adults and $15 for 12 & under until April 18th and then goes up to $30 and $15 for 12 and under until race day.
Registration and sign in begins at 8:30am race day and the race begins at 10:00am. The run will begin on campus and continue along Clear Creek and then ends back on campus. Pies will be prizes for the top finishers. After the race, there will also be a drawing for door prizes from local area merchants. Good luck all race participants, the CSM Math Club hopes to see you there!
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