The Colorado School of Mines is chosen by students because of its engineering esteem, brilliant faculty, and small school atmosphere, but there is more to the school than meets the eye. There are the obvious sources of magic, from the beautiful mountain setting to the LARPing (Live Action Role Play) and Dungeons & Dragons clubs on campus. The true magic of Mines, the real glamor of the school, is in the connections students make with their peers, professors, and CSM staff. The school brings people together and gives them a place to find support.
The greatest advice I received before coming to college was to talk to as many other students as possible, ensure my professors know who I am, and to seek campus resources by keeping open communication with campus staff. This advice can provide students with the means to find their Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore, navigate the moving staircases, and see the true magic of Mines.
Students at Mines need only look around them in a class, browse the club catalogue, or reach out to anyone in person or remotely to find a connection to their fellow students. Whether on campus or through Zoom, these are all ways that each student can create their uniquely magical group. This is an unprecedented time for everyone, including students who are looking for a dose of Mines magic. Fortunately, our campus has set up clubs and student actives to occur over Zoom, so even during the time of COVID students can find a place in the Mines community. The most scary and exciting part of college is discovering the people you will storm castles, fight dragons, and conquer classes with all through your tenure at Mines.
Just like Hogwarts, Mines is powered by our diverse collection of professors. Going to office hours for academic help, a friendly hello, or for help navigating college in general, will help students build relationships with professors. This was the most difficult part of my first years at Mines, but once I let go of the anxiety and started to speak with professors outside of class, I not only received school help but also personal advice on getting through college and the world beyond. Students should take every opportunity to connect with their professors; just think, where would Harry Potter have been without the help of Professor McGonagall? The real magic of Mines is the people it brings together. This power allows students to find the people who will help them most enjoy their time on (or off) campus. It can be uncomfortable and frightening to find your place in our little version of Hogwarts, but sometimes the best spells take the most energy.