Headlines from around the world: 9-12-11

Stocks dropped in all sectors of the US economy last week, amidst worries that Obama does not have a good plan for spurring job growth. European debt concerns also influenced the drop, as a key member of the European Central Bank stepped down.
Interpol has issued a warrant for the arrest of Col. Muammar Qaddafi, the deposed dictator of Libya. Ever since the Libyan rebels have taken Tripoli, the capital city of Libya, they have been searching for Qaddafi and his son.

In a move that has surprised the world, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to end the killing of unarmed demonstrators. This move is suprising, as the two presidents have always had very close ties.
A remarkable breach of privacy was discovered last week as Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, California, discovered that a spreadsheet with detailed information for roughly 20,000 patients has been posted on a public website for nearly a year. This breach of medical privacy is not unique in that private records were made public, but it is unique in that the breach went undiscovered for so long.

President Obama is launching a campaign to get people interested in his new jobs plan which involves tax cuts, new legislation and incentives for businesses. Obama’s main target audience has been college students, and he is calling on them to do whatever it takes to make sure their lawmakers know what needs to be done. The new plan is worth roughly $447 billion.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has decided to allow the Obama administration to permanently do away with the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump site. While it is still up to Congress and the Supreme Court, the administration will likely be able to push the move all the way through. Nevada lawmakers are relieved that the Commission has finally approved scrapping the site indefinitely.

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