Daily Archives: September 11, 2011

jordan francis

Minds at Mines – Myths from campus

Myths are stories that people tell in order to make sense of their surroundings. It also helps to understand the world around us and makes life a little more interesting and fun. Colorado School of Mines has been around for a long time and is full of tradition. From ghosts to girls, from explosives to nerds, myths and stories can often be heard around the campus. So, Minds at Mines asks “What are some outrageous stories/myths you’ve heard about the Colorado School of Mines?”

Scientific discoveries this week: 9-12-11

Singapore, Malaysia – Cancer cells may have met their match, according to a new study by a cancer biologist at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Singapore, Malaysia. It has long been assumed that cancer cells have walls that are too strong for antibodies (what destroys the cells) to penetrate. This new study indicates that some types of antibodies may, in fact, be small enough to pass through and kill the cancer cells from the inside. Cancer cells operate by producing protein cells, which essentially build up and create what we call a tumor. The most common cancer drugs target the part of the tumor that creates the protein. Until now, the drugs have only been able to kill the cells on the surface of the tumor. Now, it seems, drugs may be able to kill tumors from the inside.

Headlines from around the world: 9-12-11

Stocks dropped in all sectors of the US economy last week, amidst worries that Obama does not have a good plan for spurring job growth. European debt concerns also influenced the drop, as a key member of the European Central Bank stepped down.
Interpol has issued a warrant for the arrest of Col. Muammar Qaddafi, the deposed dictator of Libya. Ever since the Libyan rebels have taken Tripoli, the capital city of Libya, they have been searching for Qaddafi and his son.

Sports Feature: Unprecedented athletic success at Mines

CSM has gained national recognition for its reputation in academic excellence and its rigorous curriculum has earned respect from employers across the globe. As a result, in January Mines was awarded $10,000 in funding from the National Center for Women & Information Technology. That is not surprising news. What may be surprising though is that while Mines continues to rise to higher levels in the classroom, the athletic realm has followed closely behind, witnessing unprecedented success in competition across the board.

USA: The Land of Enforcement?

There is an organization dedicated to international affairs and decisions on international laws. This organization is not the United States of America, but rather the United Nations. Yet the US has taken the role of police enforcement in several nations, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and other nations considered to be unstable by public opinion. But according to Inter Press Service, “Survey respondents see the United States as an unreliable ‘world policeman.'”

Libyan Intervention and American Revolution: Not so different

On March 19, 2011, over 110 American and British cruise missiles struck Libyan soil. In response to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, the United States, along with Canada, France, and the United Kingdom, began using missile as well as air strikes to cripple Muammar Qadaffi’s army. This action was taken to help ensure that no further civilian blood would be shed in the Libyan civil war. Since March, many politicians, media personalities, and everyday citizens have criticized President Obama for allowing our military to take part in this operation. Before condemning the president’s actions, it is advisable to examine American history.


Cooking Corner: Enjoy a zesty snack with fresh heirloom tomato pico de gallo

Whether in the middle of a long study session or watching a movie with friends, this pico de gallo is a great, healthy snack. Pico de Gallo is a type of salsa made with fresh, diced tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, and cilantro. Heirloom tomatoes add an extra element with vibrant colors, shapes, and above all, flavor. The salsa can be made with red tomatoes as well, but make sure they are the large beefsteak types that are meaty and juicy. It can also be made with dehydrated cilantro, onion powder, and garlic powder, but the fresh ingredients add more zest. Be forewarned, it is very addicting and you might not want to share.

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