This week in Colorado History: October 11-October 17
The Economy, Farms, and Politics: A solution to current events…
The Golden Weekly Globe of October 11, 1873, begins by discussing issues common to October 11, 2010, but offers considerably different solutions. The article “Go West, Young Man” begins by stating that, “One result of the financial difficulties now before us will be the throwing out of employment of numbers of laborers in all of the large cities and towns.” For those currently seeking a job, this seems to again be a statement of the obvious. It is doubtful, though, that a graduating Mines student is too interested in the author’s solution to the problem. He establishes that, “The inland regions are not only blessed with a profusion of food, but are suffering from a dearth of labor,” and suggests that those in need of work rapidly depart for the Midwest to shuck corn. If Career Day and Info Sessions do not end well, this is always an option.