Club spotlight: Ping-pong club

Whether it is called ping-pong or table tennis, CSM has a club that allows for both the best players and the novice to get together and have a great time playing the sport.The president of the Ping-pong Club, Tim Musgrove, organized a time and place to train and hone the skills of every person interested.

Besides the fact that it will be distinctive on any résumé, the ping-pong club is a great way to relax and forget about homework. There are many other benefits, physically and mentally, for taking up this tabletop sport. Physically, ping-pong is light on the body and is a simple way to work up a sweat and increase heart rate. Mentally, the planning and strategizing involved in this activity only helps the brain’s response time.

To anyone wondering whether there is a registration fee of some kind, there is no need to worry. Musgrove said, “Anyone can come by and play, there’s no signing up for anything.”

Currently, Ping-pong Club meets every Saturday, from 4 to 6 pm. However, if the timing is inconvenient, Musgrove can adjust the schedule to meet popular satisfaction. He said, “If enough people come to me and complain about it, I can always change it.”
“I think people believe they need to attend every meeting,” Musgrove said. “It’s a fun club and you don’t have to worry about staying the whole time or making every meet.”

Due to the small membership of the club, many of the planned activities have yet to take place. “We’ve already organized a few intramural tournaments,” Musgrove said. “I’m trying to set up more tournaments, but more people need to come by first.”
For those looking for a great way to relieve stress and have some fun with a fast-paced tabletop game, Ping-pong Club is the place to be.

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