
Cooking Corner: Cup of Noodles

A tasty and wholesome meal for every college student, a cup of noodles is also extremely affordable. Chicken flavored Cup of Noodles, or Instant Lunch, combines the great taste of chicken with the noodles you already love and three types of vegetables that will stop moms of college students from worrying about students eating their vegetables. Whether someone is about about to do Physics, MATLAB, or a math worksheet, this meal can be made within three and a half minutes, so the Mines student can get back to work in a timely manner.

1 Cup of Noodles or Maruchan Instant Lunch
8-10 oz. Water

Directions: Unwrap the foam container from the cardboard and plastic. Open the lid slightly as to allow for a stream of water and nothing more to enter the cup. Fill the cup with tap water until it is about 2 centimeters from the lip. Put in the microwave. Close the microwave door and press “Cook time” on the microwave keypad. Then press “3-0-0” for three minutes, and finally press “Start,” or do whatever it takes to cook something for three minutes on a microwave. Watch the cup circle around the microwave for three minutes. Twiddle thumbs. Think about the homework that will be done while eating the Cup of Noodles. Wait two more minutes. Decide to go on Imgur to pass the time. Forget about dinner and come back ten minutes later. Realize the noodles are done, but cold. Cry. Stick the Cup of Noodles back into the microwave for one more minute. Take noodles out, but leave lid slightly closed to keep the steam in the cup in order to cook any noodles that are still crunchy. Release lid. Grab fork, eat, and enjoy.

This recipe makes one serving. If the noodles are cooked for too long, then they will become slimy, so it is imperative to cook for only about three minutes. While doing Lon-Capa or other online homework while eating this meal, be cautious as to not spill any broth on laptop or in lap.

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