Daily Archives: April 8, 2019


How can scientists better engage the public?

While scientists are among the most respected professionals in the public eye, it can be difficult for scientists to effectively explain their work and its implications to the average person. This difficulty leads to confusion among the public, and can overall worsen the image of scientists and the value of their work. Oftentimes concepts in…


Coors to charge for brewery tours

   Ah, the legendary Coors Tour. While most tourists to Golden opt for the “long tour”, which includes a bus ride and a self-guided facility tour paced by recorded voice-overs, many Mines students speak fondly of the “short tour”. The short tour is an opportunity to shortcut most of the long tour, and visit only…


The power of individual awareness

Julianna Valenzuela Contributor    In today’s world, it is easy to be oblivious to the struggles of others, especially those who are not within our own social classes. But oblivion and apathy allow discrimination to take place and removes our own power in doing anything about it. Engineering gives us the power to shape the…

Oscars 2019: Why chaos was the only option

   The road to the 2019 Academy Awards was littered with controversy. Since the initial announcement in August 2018 of the new category “Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film” nothing has been on track for the Academy. Many believe their decision to include a popular film category was a way to circumvent awarding nominations to the…

Blaster’s Culture Corner

Captain Marvel Following its massive setup in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, and Jude Law, jumps back to the 90s to follow the story of Carol Danvers and her journey as the universe’s most powerful hero fighting to stop a galactic war in its tracks. Between…

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