Maybe it seems like most people are on top of things like grades and jobs and friends, and maybe it seems like most people have achieved this perfect balance. Perhaps some people have not quite figured it out yet, and maybe some people are having issues getting back into the groove. Do not fear! Here is a quick guide with a few steps to help the some get to a place where they are comfortable:
1. Office hours are a must. Attend them, or set up a separate time to meet with each teacher if their pre-set times do not work.
2. Study groups! Classmates can help, so let them.
3. Start homework early. Get stuck? Not a problem, go to office hours or TA hours or ask classmates.
4. TA’s are pretty awesome too. They can help, and in fact, it is what they are there for.
5. Use a planner. It does not have to be fancy, just a small something that important dates or assignments are written down in.
6. Set aside blocks of time for work, schoolwork, social times, eating, exercising, etc. i.e. a study schedule.
7. Sleep, please: 6-9 hours ideally. After six hours the fourth sleep cycle is completed and the subject will begin to feel rested. Five to six sleep cycles is ideal.
8. Exercise: this will help with endorphins and energy and overall health.
9. Eat healthily, stay hydrated. Essential nutrients are… well, essential.
10. Allocate leisure time appropriately. Time should never be wasted. Dedicate it to de-stressing, studying, forming a hobby, perfecting said hobby, etc.
11. Last but not least, it is okay to ask for help.
Obviously this list is neither exclusive of other tactics nor inclusive of every possible tactic. Just breath, rely on friends and teachers, and keep on keeping on.