Board of Student Organizations Update Allocation Process

Campus life revolves around student-led clubs, activities, and professional societies. The Board of Student Organizations, or BSO, is responsible for creating and sustaining most of these student organizations.

“[The] main purpose is to aid in club sustainability and help clubs connect with the resources on campus,” Lizzy Reale, President of BSO, explained. “We help with their growth and sustainability. We also advocate for their funding with USG.” BSO recently updated the tier structure to provide funding for newly formed clubs on campus.

If students wish to start a club, the best time is before April, as this is the time of year that allocations are distributed to clubs. Prior to the update in tier structure update, new clubs had to wait until the following April to receive funding. Under the new update, new clubs can receive $100 by submitting an application to BSO.

“By reintroducing this $100, it can provide incentives for people to start new clubs,” Logan Knowles, Treasurer of BSO explained. “But the application let’s us go through and figure out which clubs are most likely going to succeed, and have the most significant impact in the immediate future.”

Along with the $100 application, BSO removed Tier Zero status. Organizations that complete their BSO requirements will automatically receive Tier One funding. BSO, however, does more than help clubs receive funding.

“You can view us as mentors for the clubs,” Knowles said. “We have a bunch of eyes and ears all over campus and can bring a strategy that some clubs have used to succeed to another that might be struggling. We just help teach good practices to the club.”

The main tool BSO uses to direct clubs is OrgSync, a computer system that contains information about all the clubs and organizations on campus. OrgSync helps with finances, officer transitions, maintaining email lists, and keeping members up-to-date on club activities.

BSO hosted the Annual Presidents Round Table on Friday, May 25. President’s from various clubs met to learn about administrative procedures and campus resources.

According to Lizzy Reale, “there’s a lot of things that organizations just don’t know about, and the round table event is a really good opportunity for clubs to find information that they’re curious about.”

For those looking for more information, BSO officers are trained to handle any club related questions or concerns. Officers contact information can be found online on OrgSync.

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