Articles by edattore

The United States Still Has a Long Way to Go

As many of us know from the countless ads on TV, sound bites on the news, and articles on the internet, we live in a time of record wealth and income inequality. Income Inequality What is not commonly known is that the reality of income inequality is far worse than our perception of the problem….

Sanders’ Proposed Medicare Plan

On Jan. 17, just a few hours before the fourth Democratic Debate, Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders released details of his universal health care through a Medicare for All system. As a fundamental part of his message, he asserts his beliefs that healthcare should be a right and that no one should go bankrupt from…

Citizens United cheapens basic ideals of democracy

In 2010, the Supreme Court decided the landmark case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, commonly known as Citizens United. This case overturned previous precedents and set a new one in American politics regarding campaign finance law. It further reinforced the idea of corporate personhood and recognized protection of corporate-funded free speech under the First…

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